[ class tree: linea21-core ] [ index: linea21-core ] [ all elements ]


======= Install and set-up Linea21. The five minute way! ======= 

1) Use the lazy-loader available on our website to get the application 
     or download the latest archive and extract it into you Apache web root folder
     and make apache user, the application owner (ex : sudo chown -R www-data:www-data ./*)
2) Open your browser and enter the installer URL. It should be similar to 
3) Choose the language you want, enter database set-up parameters and 
     first website informations (name, email).
4) You're done! Follow the given link to access tha back-office.

!!! Change the admin password if you want to use linea21 in a production server !!!

======= Documentation and support =======				Wiki - Bug tracker		Forum				Website

======= UTF-8 encoding warning =======

All application files are UTF-8 encoded. To edit files, imperatively use a text-editor supporting UTF-8 format and save files keeping the same format.

======= 1.1 to 1.2.x migration =======
1 - backup your current webapps : by default, linea21 folder
2 - backup your current database : mysqldump -hlocalhost -ulinea -plinea linea21 > /home/backup_linea21/linea21_1_date.dmp
3 - apply the migration patch (in /scripts_sql/patches) vers linea21 1.2.x : mysql -hlocalhost -ulinea -plinea linea21 < /home/linea21/scripts_sql/patches/
4 - delete the current webapps : rm -R /home/linea21 Or you can choose to install the new one in a new folder
5 - unzip the new version (should be done if you are reading this!) into apache execution folder ex: /home/linea21
6 - apply specific setup to the following files :
	config/define_release.php from the previous version to config/define_release.ini
	config/define_db.php  from the previous version to  vers config/define_db.ini
7 -copy folders content from the previous to the new version :

If you want to use URL Rewriting, please check /public/.htaccess file (Un-comment virtualhost or not)
Report old configuration from the previous version to the new one (ex :/public/tpl_home.php).
Version 1.2.x offers a new template system. By default, files are read from /public/dist/. You can create your own templates
and put them into /public/. Users templates have priority on default templates.

======= 1.2.x to 1.3 migration =======

- Repeat steps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 above
- For step 3 : Execute /scripts_sql/patches/patch_1.3.mysql.sql script

======= 1.3.x to 1.4 migration =======

- Repeat steps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 above
- For step 3 : Execute /scripts_sql/patches/patch_1.4.mysql.sql script

======= 1.4.x to 1.5 migration =======

- Repeat steps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 above
- For step 3 : Execute /scripts_sql/patches/patch_1.5.mysql.sql script

Documentation generated on Mon, 08 Apr 2013 18:11:44 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.1