Source for file lang_scale.utf-8.php
Documentation is available at lang_scale.utf-8.php
* @package linea21.languages
* @author linea21 <> & Stéphanie Loubechine
* @license
$lang['scale']['name']= "scale";
$lang['scale']['confirm_add'] = "scale successfully added\n";
$lang['scale']['confirm_mod'] = "Scale successfully updated\n";
$lang['scale']['confirm_sup'] = "Scale successfully deleted\n";
/* nommage rubrique module
$lang['scale']['add']= "Add a new ". $lang['scale']['name'];
$lang['scale']['mod']= "Edit ". $lang['scale']['name'];
$lang['scale']['sup']= "Delete ". $lang['scale']['name'];
$lang['scale']['det']= ucfirst($lang['scale']['name']). " details";
$lang['scale']['list']= "View scales";
/* nommage rubrique add / mod /det
$lang['scale']['add_title']= "Add data about the new ". $lang['scale']['name'];
$lang['scale']['sup_massd']= "Do you want to delete all sub-scales associated with this scale?";
$lang['scale']['sup_massm']= "Do you want to transfer all these sub-scales to another scale ?";
$lang['scale']['sup_transfert']= "Transfer scale";
/* nommage élément rubrique
$lang['scale']['denomination']= "name";
$lang['scale']['surface']= "surface";
$lang['scale']['population']= "population";
$lang['scale']['root']= "parent scale";
$lang['scale']['comment']= "Comment linked with this ". $lang['scale']['name'];
$lang['scale']['qb_titleadd']= " latest additions";
$lang['scale']['qb_titlemod']= " latest modifications";
$lang['scale']['qb_titlesup']= " last deletes";
$lang['scale']['select_choice']= "~~ Choose in this list ~~";
$lang['scale']['object_notdenomination']= "Name is required";
$lang['scale']['object_notnumsurface']= "Area must be numerical";
$lang['scale']['object_notnuminhabitants']= "Population must be an integer";
$lang['scale']['object_notroot']= "Parent scale is required";
$lang['scale']['sup_nomethod']= "Deletion method is required";
$lang['scale']['sup_noscale']= "Transfer scale is required";
$lang['scale']['sup_scale_info1']= "Caution, scale transfer will include dependency tansfer of subscales, news, publications and indicators associated with!";
$lang['scale']['sup_scale_info2']= "Caution, scale deletion will also remove subscales, projetcs, news, publications and indicators associated with!";
$lang['scale']['help_add1']= "To add a new scale, please insert the required informations in the form above";
$lang['scale']['help_add2']= "A parent scale is required";
$lang['scale']['help_add3']= "After submitting the form, check your data in the summary";
$lang['scale']['help_add4']= 'After checking summary, click the \'review settings\' button to make changes';
$lang['scale']['help_list1']= "Click on scale title to display more informations";
$lang['scale']['help_list2']= "Delete this scale by clicking on the delete icon linked in";
$lang['scale']['help_list3']= "Edit this scale by clicking on the edit icon linked in";
$lang['scale']['help_list4']= 'Click \'add a new scale\' button for adding scale';
$lang['scale']['help_list5']= "To perform search on scales only, just click the 'search' link";
$lang['scale']['help_mod1']= "To edit a scale, please insert the required informations in the form above";
$lang['scale']['help_mod2']= "Once the form submitted, check your data in the summary";
$lang['scale']['help_mod3']= "Once the summary displayed, click the \'review settings\' button if you need to make new changes";
$lang['scale']['help_det1']= "Click on parent's scale title to display its parent's scale information";
$lang['scale']['help_det2']= "Delete this scale by clicking on the delete icon linked in";
$lang['scale']['help_det3']= "Edit this scale by clicking on the edit icon linked in";
$lang['scale']['help_sup1']= "Choose a deletion method to perform the operation";
$lang['scale']['help_sup2']= "For secutity reasons, please enter the required security code";
$lang['scale']['help_sup3']= "Caution, scale's deletion involves changes in the whole application; this deletion is recommanded to expert only";