Source for file class.form.php
Documentation is available at class.form.php
* Usage: This class is designed to ease the creation of forms in a php applcation. This * *
* class was inspired by a similar class by MT Jordan <> available * *
* from * *
* You must include the class in your html file, this is easiest when you have the * *
* class in your php include path, but may be done from anywhere. * *
* Example: See included example.form.php * *
* License: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * *
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * *
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * *
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * *
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * *
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin * *
* Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * *
* File: class.form.php Version: 1.0.0 Beta Date: 12/17/2005 * *
* Author: Shannon Brooks <> * *
* WWW: * *
* Shannon Brooks (c) 2005 * *
************************************************************************************************ *
* @package linea21.externals
* @author Shannon Brooks <>
* @license
/* Public Variables *******************************************************************************
Usage: $form->variable = <value>; -- must be set inside of script, not here */
var $newline; // true for new lines after elements, default is true
var $error; // will contain any error information, useful for debugging
var $outputxhtml; // when true, will attempt to output valid xhtml, default is true
var $singleline; // when true, will output single line, default is false
var $brafterlabel; // when true, will output <br /> after </label> except for radio and
// checkbox inputs, default is false
/* Form Elements **********************************************************************************
startForm() -- generates the opening form tag
Usage: bool $form->startForm('action'[,'class or id','target','method']);
$form->startForm(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']),"#testForm") || die("error: ".$form->error);
$form->startForm('somescript.php','someClass','_blank','get') || die("error: ".$form->error);
Note: you shouldn't use target in xhtml */
// start the <form> element
function startForm($action= false,$class= '',$target= '',$method= 'post') {
$this->error = "action is required for startForm";
else { $action = ' action="' . $action . '"'; }
// select form action: post or get
$this->error = "method should be post or get";
else { $method = ' method="' . $method . '"'; }
if(trim($target != '')) { $target = ' target="' . $target . '"'; }
// generate form tag and attributes
$this->output .= '<form' . $class . $action . $method . $target . ' enctype="multipart/form-data">' . ((!$this->singleline)? ("\n"): ('')) . (($this->outputxhtml)? ('<div>' . ((!$this->singleline)? ("\n"): (''))): (''));
/* Hidded Type Inputs *****************************************************************************
hiddenInput() -- generates a hidden input
Usage: bool $form->hiddenInput('name','value'); */
// verify name and value are set
$this->error = "name and value are required for hiddenInput";
/* Text Type Inputs *******************************************************************************
textInput() -- generates a text input
Usage: bool $form->textInput('name'[,'label','class', 'label class or #id','tooltip','max size (numeric)','size (numeric)','readonly (true/false)','value','password (true/false)']); */
function textInput($name= false,$label= false,$class= false,$lclass= false,$title= false,$maxsize= false,$size= false,$readonly= false,$value= false,$password= false) {
$this->error = "name is required for textInput";
else { $nametag = ' name="' . $name . '" id="' . $name . '"'; }
// determine if this is a password input
if($password) { $type = ' type="password"'; }
else { $type = ' type="text"'; }
// determine class for input
if(!$class) { $class = ''; }
else { $class = ' class="' . $class . '"'; }
// determine class or id for label class
// title for input (tooltip)
if(!$title) { $title = ''; }
else { $title = ' title="' . $title . '"'; }
// max size of input, numeric and limits input length
if(!$maxsize) { $maxsize = ''; }
else { $maxsize = ' maxlength="' . $maxsize . '"'; }
// size of input, numeric and not nessary with styles
if(!$size) { $size = ''; }
else { $size = ' size="' . $size . '"'; }
// determine if input is readonly
if(!$readonly) { $readonly = ''; }
else { $readonly = ' readonly="readonly"'; }
// determine if value is set
if(!$value) { $value = ''; }
// determine if label is set
if(!$label) { $label = ''; }
else { $label = '<label' . $lclass . ' for="' . $name . '">' . $label . '</label>' . (($this->brafterlabel)? ('<br />'): ('')) . ((!$this->singleline)? ("\n"): ('')); }
$this->output .= $label . '<input' . $type . $nametag . $class . $title . $size . $maxsize . $readonly . $value . ' />' . (($this->newline)? ("<br />"): ('')) . ((!$this->singleline)? ("\n"): (''));
/* Checkbox and Radio Type Inputs ***************************************************************************
checkboxInput() -- generates a checkbox
Usage: bool $form->checkboxInputs('type (checkbox/radio)','name','value'[,'checked (true/false)','labelpos (before/after)','class','label class or #id','tooltip']);
Note: concantonates the name and value for the id so that clicking on the label changes the checked state of radio buttons */
function checkboxInput($type= 'checkbox',$name= false,$value= false,$label= false,$checked= false,$labelpos= 'after',$class= false,$lclass= false,$title= false) {
// determine type is checkbox or radio
if($type != 'checkbox' && $type != 'checkbox[]' && $type != 'radio') {
$this->error = "checkboxInput type must be checkbox or radio";
else { $typetag = ' type="' . $type . '"'; }
// verify name and value are set
$this->error = "name and value are required for checkboxInput";
else { $nametag = ' name="' . $name . '" id="'. $name . (($type == 'radio')? ($value): ('')) . '" value="' . $value . '"'; }
// determine if check box is checked
if(!$checked) { $checked = ''; }
else { $checked = ' checked="checked"'; }
// determine class for input
if(!$class) { $class = ''; }
else { $class = ' class="' . $class . '"'; }
// determine class or id for label class
// title for input (tooltip)
if(!$title) { $title = ''; }
else { $title = ' title="' . $title . '"'; }
// determin if label is set
if(!$label) { $label = ''; }
else { $label = '<label' . $lclass . ' for="' . $name . (($type == 'radio')? ($value): ('')) . '">' . $label . '</label>'; }
// generate checkbox tag and attributes
$checkbox = '<input' . $typetag . $nametag . $checked . $class . $title . ' />';
// order label and checkbox according to labelpos
$this->output .= (($labelpos == 'after')? ($checkbox . ((!$this->singleline)? ("\n"): ('')) . $label): ($label . ((!$this->singleline)? ("\n"): ('')) . $checkbox)) . (($this->newline)? ("<br />"): ('')) . ((!$this->singleline)? ("\n"): (''));
/* File Upload Input ******************************************************************************
fileInput() -- generates a file upload box
Usage: bool $form->file('name'[,'label','class','label class or #id','tooltip','size (numeric)']);
Example file input: echo $form->file('file','Upload File: '); */
function fileInput($name= false,$label= false,$class= '',$lclass= '',$title= '',$size= '') {
// verify that name is set
$this->error = "fileInput requires that name be set";
else { $nametag = ' name="' . $name . '" id="' . $name . '"'; }
// determine class for input
if(!$class) { $class = ''; }
else { $class = ' class="' . $class . '"'; }
// determine class or id for label class
// determine if size is set and generate tag
else { $size = ' size="' . $size . '"'; }
// title for input (tooltip)
if(!$title) { $title = ''; }
else { $title = ' title="' . $title . '"'; }
// determin if label is set
if(!$label) { $label = ''; }
else { $label = '<label' . $lclass . ' for="' . $name . '">' . $label . '</label>' . (($this->brafterlabel)? ('<br />'): ('')) . ((!$this->singleline)? ("\n"): ('')); }
// generate file input tag and attributes
$this->output .= $label . '<input type="file"' . $nametag . $class . $title . $size . ' />' . (($this->newline)? ("<br />"): ('')) . ((!$this->singleline)? ("\n"): (''));
/* Textarea Input *********************************************************************************
textareaInput() -- generates a textarea
Usage: bool $form->textareaInput('name'[,'label','class','label class or #id','tooltip','default value','cols (numeric)','rows (numeric)','wrap type (soft/hard/off)','readonly (true/false)']);
$form->textarea('comments','Please enter your comments:','thin_borders','bold',false,'Type comments here...',100,10);
$form->textarea('license','License Agreement',false,false,'Please read carefully...','Some license info...',false,false,false,true); */
function textareaInput($name= false,$label= false,$class= false,$lclass= false,$title= false,$value= '',$cols= false,$rows= false,$wrap= false,$readonly= false) {
// verify that name is set
$this->error = "textareaInput requires that name be set";
else { $nametag = ' name="' . $name . '" id="' . $name . '"'; }
// determine class for input
if(!$class) { $class = ''; }
else { $class = ' class="' . $class . '"'; }
// determine class or id for label class
// title for input (tooltip)
if(!$title) { $title = ''; }
else { $title = ' title="' . $title . '"'; }
// determine number of columns
else { $cols = ' cols="' . $cols . '"'; }
// determine number of rows
else { $rows = ' rows="' . $rows . '"'; }
// determine if textbox should be read only
if(!$readonly) { $readonly = ''; }
else { $readonly = ' readonly="readonly"'; }
if(!$wrap) { $wrap = ''; }
else { $wrap = ' wrap="' . $wrap . '"'; }
// determin if label is set
if(!$label) { $label = ''; }
else { $label = '<label' . $lclass . ' for="' . $name . '">' . $label . '</label>' . (($this->brafterlabel)? ('<br />'): ('')) . ((!$this->singleline)? ("\n"): ('')); }
// generate textarea tag and attributes
$this->output .= $label . '<textarea' . $nametag . $cols . $rows . $readonly . $wrap . $class . $title . '>' . $value . '</textarea>' . (($this->newline)? ("<br />"): ('')) . ((!$this->singleline)? ("\n"): (''));
/* Select and Option Inputs ***********************************************************************
startSelect(),addOption() and closeSelect() -- create a drop down list
bool startSelect('name'[,'label','class','label class or #id','tooltip'])
bool selectOption('value'[,'option text','selected (true/false)'])
// start the <select> input
function startSelect($name= false,$label= false,$class= false,$lclass= false,$title= false) {
// verify that name is set
$this->error = "startSelect requires that name be set";
else { $nametag = ' name="' . $name . '" id="' . $name . '"'; }
// determine class for input
if(!$class) { $class = ''; }
else { $class = ' class="' . $class . '"'; }
// determine class or id for label class
// title for input (tooltip)
if(!$title) { $title = ''; }
else { $title = ' title="' . $title . '"'; }
// determin if label is set
if(!$label) { $label = ''; }
else { $label = '<label' . $lclass . ' for="' . $name . '">' . $label . '</label>' . (($this->brafterlabel)? ('<br />'): ('')); }
$this->output .= $label . '<select' . $nametag . $class . $title . '>' . ((!$this->singleline)? ("\n"): (''));
// tell script that select tag is open
// insert <option> tags for <select>
function addOption($value= false,$option= false,$selected= false) {
// verify that there is a select tag open
$this->error = "there must be an open select tag";
// verify that value is set
$this->error = "selectOption requires that value be set";
// determine if option is selected
if(!$selected) { $selected = ''; }
else { $selected = ' selected="selected"'; }
// determine if option text exisits
if(!$option) { $option = $value; }
// generate option tag and attributes
$this->output .= '<option value="' . $value . '"' . $selected . '>' . $option . '</option>' . ((!$this->singleline)? ("\n"): (''));
// close the </select> input
// verify that there is a select tag open
$this->error = "there must be an open select tag";
// tell script that select tag is closed
/* Fieldset/Legend Tags ***************************************************************************
startFieldset() and closeFieldset -- generate a fieldset
bool $form->startFieldset(['legend','class or #id'])
bool $form->closeFieldset()
Note: Leave legend title empty for no heading */
// determine fieldset class or ID
// generate <legend></legend> tags
if(!$legend) { $legend = ''; }
else { $legend = '<legend>' . $legend . '</legend>' . ((!$this->singleline)? ("\n"): ('')); }
$this->output .= '<fieldset' . $class . '>' . ((!$this->singleline)? ("\n"): ('')) . $legend;
// tell script that fieldset is open
// verify that fieldset is open
$this->error = "there must be an open fieldset tag";
// output </fieldset> tag
// tell script that fieldset is closed
/* Buttons ****************************************************************************************
genericButton(), submitButton() and resetButton() -- used to generate buttons
bool $form->genericButton(['javascript for onclick event','button text','class or #id','tooltip','image for image buttons','image border width (numeric)'])
bool $form->submitButton(['javascript for onclick event','button text','default button (true/false)','class or #id','tooltip','image for image buttons','image border width (numeric)'])
bool $form->resetButton(['javascript for onclick event','button text','default button (true/false)','class or #id','tooltip'])
$form->submitButton('return checkForm(thisForm)','Send Form')
Note: It would be better to assign the button an id and then dynamically assign javascript functions to the button.
Note: If you choose to use image buttons, the border is not specified by default. If you don't set the style to have no border in css you must set the border width. */
// standard general purpose button
function genericButton($script= false,$value= 'Click Here',$class= false,$title= false,$img= false,$imgborder= false) {
// determine whether button is image or standard button
if(!$img) { $type = ' type="button"'; }
else { $type = ' type="image" src="' . $img . ((is_numeric($imgborder))? ('" border="' . $imgborder . '"'): ('')); }
// determine button class
// title for input (tooltip)
if(!$title) { $title = ''; }
else { $title = ' title="' . $title . '"'; }
//determine if script is set
if(!$script) { $script = ''; }
else { $script = ' onclick="' . str_replace('"','\'',$script) . '"'; }
$this->output .= '<form><input' . $type . ' value="' . $value . '"' . $script . $class . $title . ' /></form>' . (($this->newline)? ("<br />"): ('')) . ((!$this->singleline)? ("\n"): (''));
function submitButton($script= false,$value= false,$default= true,$class= false,$title= false,$img= false,$imgborder= false) {
// determine whether button is image or standard button
if(!$img) { $type = ' type="submit"'; }
else { $type = ' type="image" src="' . $img . ((is_numeric($imgborder))? ('" border="' . $imgborder . '"'): ('')); }
// determine button class
// title for input (tooltip)
if(!$title) { $title = ''; }
else { $title = ' title="' . $title . '"'; }
// determine if button text is not default
if(!$value) { $value = ''; }
else { $value = ' value="' . $value . '"'; }
//determine if script is set
if(!$script) { $script = ''; }
else { $script = ' onclick="' . str_replace('"','\'',$script) . '"'; }
// generate submit button
$this->output .= '<input' . $type . $value . $class . $title . $script . (($default && !$this->outputxhtml)? (' default="default"'): ('')) . ' />' . ((!$this->singleline)? ("\n"): (''));
function resetButton($script= false,$value= false,$default= false,$class= false,$title= false) {
// determine button class
// title for input (tooltip)
if(!$title) { $title = ''; }
else { $title = ' title="' . $title . '"'; }
// determine if button text is not default
if(!$value) { $value = ''; }
else { $value = ' value="' . $value . '"'; }
//determine if script is set
if(!$script) { $script = ''; }
else { $script = ' onclick="' . str_replace('"','\'',$script) . '"'; }
$this->output .= '<input type="reset"' . $value . $class . $title . $script . (($default && !$this->outputxhtml)? (' default="default"'): ('')) . ' />' . ((!$this->singleline)? ("\n"): (''));
/* Insert Unaltered HTML **************************************************************************
insertHTML() -- used to insert unaltered HTML code
Usage: bool insertHTML('<p>Some <b>HTML</b> code...</p>'[,'true/false-add a new line after code']) */
$this->error = "insertHTML needs a code argument";
/* Insert Linebreak *******************************************************************************
insertBR() -- used to insert a <br /> when $this->newline = false
Usage: bool insertBR() */
/* Output Form ************************************************************************************
getForm() -- get form output, returns false on error
Usage: string getForm() */
// make sure there are no preceeding errors
// check for open select tags
$this->error = "You have an open select tag, please check your code.";
// check for open fieldset
$this->error = "You have an open fieldset tag, please check your code.";
// check for open form, if open just close it and return form
/* Reset Form *************************************************************************************
resetForm() -- resets form to original state
Usage: $form->resetForm()
Note: use this function when reusing the same form object on one page. */
* INTERNAL FUNCTIONS - Please do not use these functions or variables directly *
/* Private Variables ******************************************************************************/
/* Internal function to get class or id from $_dyna_form_classID **********************************/
// verify that there is a class set, check to make sure user didn't put a blank space
// in a attempt to disable the class attribute or by accident
if(trim($ClassID) == '' || !$ClassID) { return ''; }
// determine if it is a class or id, ids should begin with #
if(ereg("^#",$ClassID)) { return ' id="' . substr($ClassID,1) . '"'; }
else { return ' class="' . $ClassID . '"'; }
/* Internal function to initialize variables ******************************************************/