Source for file filemanager.config.php
Documentation is available at filemanager.config.php
* Filemanager PHP connector configuration
* config for the filemanager.php connector
* @author Riaan Los <mail (at) riaanlos (dot) nl>
* @author Simon Georget <simon (at) linea21 (dot) com>
* @package linea21.externals
* @subpackage Filemanager
* Check if user is authorized
* @return boolean true is access granted, false if no access
// You can insert your own code over here to check if the user is authorized.
// If you use a session variable, you've got to start the session first (session_start())
$config['culture'] = 'en';
* see for explanation
$config['date'] = 'd M Y H:i';
$config['icons']['path'] = 'images/fileicons/';
$config['icons']['directory'] = '_Open.png';
$config['icons']['default'] = 'default.png';
$config['upload']['overwrite'] = false; // true or false; Check if filename exists. If false, index will be added
$config['upload']['size'] = false; // integer or false; maximum file size in Mb; please note that every server has got a maximum file upload size as well.
$config['upload']['imagesonly'] = false; // true or false; Only allow images (jpg, gif & png) upload?
* used to display image thumbnails
$config['images'] = array('jpg', 'jpeg','gif','png');
$config['unallowed_files']= array('.htaccess');
$config['unallowed_dirs']= array('_thumbs', '.svn','.CDN_ACCESS_LOGS', 'cloudservers');
* for Vhost or outside files folder
// $config['doc_root'] = '/home/user/userfiles'; // No end slash
* rsc: Rackspace Cloud Files:
$config['plugin'] = null;
//$config['plugin'] = 'rsc';
//$config['upload']['suffix'] = '_'; // string; if overwrite is false, the suffix will be added after the filename (before .ext)