Source for file
Documentation is available at
* @package linea21.modules
* @author linea21 <>
* @license
* 'Resource' module is used by 'Publication' and 'Workshop' modules
//////////// Check Inclusion de pages ////////////
function GetAddedLink($parent_id, $type, $orderby, $limit= - 1, $statut=- 1) {
if($statut==- 1) $statut= 'Y';
if($statut!= 'Y' && $statut!= 'N') $statut= 'Y';
if($orderby== 'CREA') $orderfield= 'linkres_date_crea';
if($orderby== 'MODIFY') $orderfield= 'linkres_last_modify';
$requete = "SELECT L.linkres_id, L.linkres_mask, L.linkres_text, to_char(L.linkres_date_crea, '". toStringSqlDate(). "') AS linkres_date_crea_display, to_char(L.linkres_last_modify, '". toStringSqlDate('long'). "') AS linkres_last_modify_display FROM " . T_LINK_RES . " AS L ".
"LEFT OUTER JOIN ". J_LINK. " ON j_link_id=L.linkres_id ".
"WHERE linkres_validity = '". $statut. "' AND j_type='". $type. "' AND j_root_id='". $parent_id. "' ".
"ORDER BY ". $orderfield. " DESC";
if($limit!=- 1) $requete.= " OFFSET 0 LIMIT ". $limit;
function GetAddedBiblio($parent_id, $type, $orderby, $limit= - 1, $statut=- 1) {
if($statut==- 1) $statut= 'Y';
if($statut!= 'Y' && $statut!= 'N') $statut= 'Y';
if($orderby== 'CREA') $orderfield= 'bibliores_date_crea';
if($orderby== 'MODIFY') $orderfield= 'bibliores_last_modify';
$requete = "SELECT B.bibliores_id, B.bibliores_author, B.bibliores_title, B.bibliores_sub_title, B.bibliores_editor, B.bibliores_date, to_char(B.bibliores_date_crea, '". toStringSqlDate(). "') AS bibliores_date_crea_display, to_char(B.bibliores_last_modify, '". toStringSqlDate('long'). "') AS bibliores_last_modify_display FROM " . T_BIBLIO_RES . " AS B ".
"LEFT OUTER JOIN ". J_BIBLIO. " ON j_biblio_id=B.bibliores_id ".
"WHERE bibliores_validity = '". $statut. "' AND j_type='". $type. "' AND j_root_id='". $parent_id. "' ".
"ORDER BY ". $orderfield. " DESC";
if($limit!=- 1) $requete.= " OFFSET 0 LIMIT ". $limit;
function GetAddedMulti($parent_id, $type, $orderby, $limit= - 1, $statut=- 1) {
if($statut==- 1) $statut= 'Y';
if($statut!= 'Y' && $statut!= 'N') $statut= 'Y';
if($orderby== 'CREA') $orderfield= 'multires_date_crea';
if($orderby== 'MODIFY') $orderfield= 'multires_last_modify';
$requete = "SELECT M.multires_id, M.multires_name, M.multires_description, M.multires_media_uri, to_char(M.multires_date_crea, '". toStringSqlDate(). "') AS multires_date_crea_display, to_char(M.multires_last_modify, '". toStringSqlDate('long'). "') AS multires_last_modify_display FROM " . T_MULTI_RES . " AS M ".
"LEFT OUTER JOIN ". J_MULTI . " ON j_multi_id=M.multires_id ".
"WHERE multires_validity = '". $statut. "' AND j_type='". $type. "' AND j_root_id='". $parent_id. "' ".
"ORDER BY ". $orderfield. " DESC";
if($limit!=- 1) $requete.= " OFFSET 0 LIMIT ". $limit;
$requete = "SELECT publi_title, publi_posted_by FROM " . T_PUBLI . " WHERE publi_id='". $publi_id. "' LIMIT 1;";
$requete = "SELECT workrep_title, workshop_denomination,workrep_workshop_id FROM " . T_WORK_REP . " ".
"LEFT OUTER JOIN ". T_WORK. " on workshop_id=workrep_workshop_id ".
"WHERE workrep_id='". $workrep_id. "' LIMIT 1;";
$requete = "SELECT linkres_mask, linkres_text FROM " . T_LINK_RES . " WHERE linkres_id ='". $link_id. "' LIMIT 1;";
$requete = "SELECT multires_name, multires_media_uri, multires_description FROM " . T_MULTI_RES . " WHERE multires_id ='". $link_id. "' LIMIT 1;";
$requete = "SELECT bibliores_title, bibliores_sub_title, bibliores_author, bibliores_editor, bibliores_date FROM " . T_BIBLIO_RES . " WHERE bibliores_id ='". $biblio_id. "' LIMIT 1;";