Source for file
Documentation is available at
* @package linea21.modules
* @subpackage publication
* @author linea21 <>
* @license
//////////// Check Inclusion de pages ////////////
$req_list_theme = "SELECT T.theme_id, T.theme_name, T.theme_statut, SDT.sdtheme_name, SDT.sdtheme_id FROM " . T_THEME . " AS T LEFT OUTER JOIN ". T_SD_THEME . " AS SDT ON SDT.sdtheme_id=T.theme_sd_theme WHERE T.theme_statut <> 'E' ORDER BY sdtheme_name DESC, theme_name ASC;";
$req_list_level = "SELECT level_id, level_name FROM " . T_LEVEL. " WHERE level_statut<>'E' ORDER BY level_range DESC;";
$req_list_scale = "SELECT scale_id, scale_denomination FROM " . T_SCALE . " WHERE scale_statut='P' OR scale_statut='D' ORDER BY scale_denomination ASC;";
$req_quickbox_add = "SELECT publi_id, substring(publi_title from 0 for 50) as publi_title, to_char(publi_date_crea, '". toStringSqlDate('long'). "') AS publi_date_crea_display FROM " . T_PUBLI . " WHERE publi_statut = 'P' OR publi_statut = 'D' ORDER BY publi_date_crea DESC LIMIT 10 OFFSET 0;";
$req_quickbox_sup = "SELECT publi_id, substring(publi_title from 0 for 50) as publi_title, to_char(publi_last_modify, '". toStringSqlDate('long'). "') AS publi_last_modify_display, to_char(publi_date_crea, '". toStringSqlDate(). "') AS publi_date_crea_display FROM " . T_PUBLI . " WHERE publi_statut = 'E' ORDER BY publi_last_modify DESC LIMIT 10 OFFSET 0;";
$req_quickbox_mod = "SELECT publi_id, substring(publi_title from 0 for 50) as publi_title, to_char(publi_last_modify, '". toStringSqlDate('long'). "') AS publi_last_modify_display, to_char(publi_date_crea, '". toStringSqlDate(). "') AS publi_date_crea_display FROM " . T_PUBLI . " WHERE publi_statut <> 'E' ORDER BY publi_last_modify DESC LIMIT 10 OFFSET 0;";
$req_quickbox_list = "SELECT publi_id, substring(publi_title from 0 for 50) as publi_title, to_char(publi_published_date, '". toStringSqlDate('long'). "') AS publi_published_date_display, to_char(publi_date_crea, '". toStringSqlDate(). "') AS publi_date_crea_display FROM " . T_PUBLI . " WHERE publi_statut <> 'E' AND publi_published_date <> '0001-01-01' ORDER BY publi_published_date DESC LIMIT 10 OFFSET 0;";
$mask= " WHERE publi_statut = 'P'";
$orderby= "publi_published_date DESC";
$mask= " WHERE publi_statut = 'D'";
$orderby= "publi_date_crea DESC";
$mask= " WHERE publi_statut = 'AA'";
$orderby= "publi_last_modify DESC";
$mask= " WHERE publi_statut = 'PA'";
$orderby= "publi_last_modify DESC";
$mask= " WHERE publi_statut <> 'E'";
$orderby= "publi_date_crea DESC";
$mask.= " AND theme_sd_theme = '". $id_filter. "'";
$mask.= " AND publi_scale = '". $id_filter. "'";
$mask.= " AND publi_level = '". $id_filter. "'";
$requete= "SELECT U.user_login, P.publi_id, substring(P.publi_title from 0 for 60) AS publi_title, ".
"P.publi_title AS complete_publi_title, P.publi_statut, ".
"publi_resume, publi_level, publi_scale, publi_statut, SDT.sdtheme_id, SDT.sdtheme_name, ".
"scale_denomination, level_name, publi_posted_by, ".
"to_char(P.publi_date_crea, '". toStringSqlDate(). "') AS publi_date_crea_display, ".
"to_char(P.publi_published_date, '". toStringSqlDate(). "') AS publi_published_date_display, ".
"to_char(P.publi_last_modify, '". toStringSqlDate(). "') AS publi_last_modify_display ".
"FROM " . T_PUBLI. " AS P ".
"LEFT OUTER JOIN ". T_THEME. " AS T on P.publi_theme=T.theme_id ".
"LEFT OUTER JOIN ". T_SD_THEME. " AS SDT on T.theme_sd_theme=SDT.sdtheme_id ".
"LEFT OUTER JOIN ". T_SCALE. " AS S on publi_scale=S.scale_id ".
"LEFT OUTER JOIN ". T_LEVEL. " AS L on publi_level=L.level_id ".
"LEFT OUTER JOIN ". T_USER. " AS U on P.publi_posted_by=U.user_id ".
$mask. " ORDER BY ". $orderby. " OFFSET ". $debut. " LIMIT ". $limite. ";";
$mask= " WHERE publi_statut = 'P'";
$mask= " WHERE publi_statut = 'D'";
$mask= " WHERE publi_statut = 'AA'";
$mask= " WHERE publi_statut = 'PA'";
$mask= " WHERE publi_statut <> 'E'";
$mask.= " AND theme_sd_theme = '". $id_filter. "'";
$mask.= " AND publi_scale = '". $id_filter. "'";
$mask.= " AND publi_level = '". $id_filter. "'";
$requete= "SELECT COUNT(publi_id) AS num_rows FROM " . T_PUBLI . " ";
$requete.= "LEFT OUTER JOIN ". T_THEME. " AS T on publi_theme=T.theme_id ".
"LEFT OUTER JOIN ". T_SD_THEME. " AS SDT on theme_sd_theme=SDT.sdtheme_id ";
$requete = "SELECT P.publi_title, P.publi_resume, P.publi_theme, P.publi_scale, P.publi_level, P.publi_posted_by, P.publi_comment, P.publi_statut, ".
"T.theme_name, S.scale_denomination, L.level_name, U.user_login, T.theme_sd_theme, SDT.sdtheme_name, ".
"to_char(P.publi_date_crea, '". toStringSqlDate(). "') AS publi_date_crea_display, ".
"to_char(P.publi_last_modify, '". toStringSqlDate('long'). "') AS publi_last_modify_display, ".
"to_char(P.publi_published_date, '". toStringSqlDate(). "') AS publi_published_date_display ".
"FROM " . T_PUBLI . " AS P ".
"LEFT OUTER JOIN ". T_THEME. " AS T on P.publi_theme=T.theme_id ".
"LEFT OUTER JOIN ". T_SD_THEME. " AS SDT on T.theme_sd_theme=SDT.sdtheme_id ".
"LEFT OUTER JOIN ". T_SCALE. " AS S on P.publi_scale=S.scale_id ".
"LEFT OUTER JOIN ". T_LEVEL. " AS L on P.publi_level=L.level_id ".
"LEFT OUTER JOIN ". T_USER. " AS U on P.publi_posted_by=U.user_id ".
"WHERE publi_id='". $publi_id. "' AND publi_statut<>'E';";
$requete = "SELECT PC.publicon_id, PC.publicon_title FROM " . J_PARTS . " AS JP ".
"LEFT OUTER JOIN ". T_PUBLI_CONT. " AS PC ON JP.j_parts_id=PC.publicon_id ".
"WHERE JP.j_root_id='". $publi_id. "' AND JP.j_type='P' AND publicon_validity='Y' ORDER BY PC.publicon_date_crea ASC;";
$requete = "SELECT publi_title, publi_posted_by FROM " . T_PUBLI . " WHERE publi_id='". $publi_id. "';";
$requete = "SELECT theme_name FROM " . T_THEME . " WHERE theme_id='". $theme_id. "';";
$requete= "SELECT scale_denomination FROM " . T_SCALE . " WHERE scale_id='". $scale_id. "';";
$requete= "SELECT level_name FROM " . T_LEVEL . " WHERE level_id='". $level_id. "';";
// Copie conforme de celle qui se trouve dans workshoprep
$join_active= "bibliores";
$requete = "SELECT * FROM " . $ACTIVE_TABLE . " LEFT OUTER JOIN ". $TDB_LIAISON. " ON ". $champ2. "=". $join_active. "_id WHERE j_root_id='". $ID. "' AND j_type='". substr($type, 0, 1). "' AND ". $join_active. "_validity='Y' ORDER BY ". $join_active. "_date_crea ASC;";
$result = $sql_object -> DBSelect ($requete);