Source for file lang_workshop.utf-8.php
Documentation is available at lang_workshop.utf-8.php
* @package linea21.languages
* @author linea21 <> & Stéphanie Loubechine
* @license
$lang['workshop']['section'] = "workgroups";
$lang['workshop']['link_value'] = "workgroups";
$lang['workshop']['name']= 'workgroup';
$lang['workshop']['confirm_add'] = "workgroup successfully added\n";
$lang['workshop']['confirm_mod'] = "workgroup successfully updated\n";
$lang['workshop']['confirm_sup'] = "workgroup successfully deleted\n";
/* nommage rubrique module
$lang['workshop']['add']= 'Add a new '. $lang['workshop']['name'];
$lang['workshop']['mod']= 'Edit '. $lang['workshop']['name'];
$lang['workshop']['sup']= 'Delete'. $lang['workshop']['name'];
$lang['workshop']['det']= ucfirst($lang['workshop']['name']) . ' details';
$lang['workshop']['list']= 'View workgroups';
/* nommage rubrique add / mod /det
$lang['workshop']['add_title']= 'Add data about the new '. $lang['workshop']['name'];
$lang['workshop']['mod_title']= 'Edit data about '. $lang['workshop']['name'];
$lang['workshop']['recap_commment']= 'no comment';
$lang['workshop']['recap_nc']= ' none';
/* check integrité des données
$lang['workshop']['no_title'] = 'Title is required';
$lang['workshop']['no_resume'] = 'Summary is required';
$lang['workshop']['no_theme'] = 'Theme is required';
$lang['workshop']['no_scale'] = 'Scale is required';
$lang['workshop']['no_level'] = 'Level is required';
$lang['workshop']['no_author'] = 'User login is required';
$lang['workshop']['yet_author'] = 'This user already belongs to this workgroup';
$lang['workshop']['author_not_valid'] = 'This user does not exist, please check the syntax';
$lang['workshop']['author_not_admin'] = 'This user does not have moderator rights';
/* nommage élément rubrique
$lang['workshop']['title']= 'title';
$lang['workshop']['resume']= 'summary';
$lang['workshop']['theme']= 'associated theme';
$lang['workshop']['level']= 'associated level';
$lang['workshop']['scale']= 'associated scale';
$lang['workshop']['statut']= 'status';
$lang['workshop']['comment']= 'comments';
$lang['workshop']['template']= 'template';
$lang['workshop']['photouri']= 'associated picture';
$lang['workshop']['visu1']= 'associated picture n°1';
$lang['workshop']['visu2']= 'associated picture n°2';
$lang['workshop']['organizer']= 'moderator (separated by '. MAIL_SEPARATOR. ')';
$lang['workshop']['organizer2']= 'moderators';
$lang['workshop']['published_on']= 'published on';
$lang['workshop']['not_published']= 'not published';
$lang['workshop']['generals']= 'global informations';
$lang['workshop']['mailing_list']= 'edit mailing-list for this workgroup';
$lang['workshop']['qb_titleadd']= ' latest additions';
$lang['workshop']['qb_titlemod']= ' latest modifications';
$lang['workshop']['qb_titlesup']= ' latest deletions';
$lang['workshop']['qb_titlepubli']= ' latest publications';
$lang['workshop']['select_choice']= "~~ Choose in this list ~~";
$lang['workshop']['nb_total']= 'workgroups in database.';
$lang['workshop']['statut_filter']= 'Display by status';
$lang['workshop']['all']= 'Display the whole list';
$lang['workshop']['noresult']= 'There is no workgroup with this criteria ';
$lang['workshop']['actions']= 'actions';
$lang['workshop']['sup_workshop_warning'] = "Do you really want to delete this " . $lang['workshop']['name'] . "?";
$lang['workshop']['cal_all']= "Calendar";
$lang['workshop']['noinscription']= "You have not subscribed yet to this workgroup";
$lang['workshop']['creainscription']= "Subscribe now to this workgroup!";
$lang['workshop']['creainscription2']= "To subscribe";
$lang['workshop']['creainscription3']= "Do you really want to subscribe to this workgroup ?";
$lang['workshop']['confirm_inscription']= "successfully registered";
$lang['workshop']['com_p_back_com']= "Click here to go to the forum";
$lang['workshop']['com_p_lock']= "This topic is locked, you cannot post anymore";
$lang['workshop']['com_p_back_mes']= "Click here to go back to the topic";
$lang['workshop']['participant']= "Participate";
$lang['workshop']['barre_user']= "Users";
$lang['workshop']['barre_report']= "Reports";
$lang['workshop']['h1_public']= "Our workgroups";
$lang['workshop']['h1_public_comment']= "Workgroups are dedicated platforms to talk and work on specific topics : Be part of it!";
$lang['workshop']['confirm_add_u'] = "User successfully added in this workgroup\n";
$lang['workshop']['confirm_sup_u'] = "User successfully removed from this workgroup\n";
$lang['workshop']['user']= 'user(s) in this workgroup';
$lang['workshop']['add_new_user']= "Add a new user";
$lang['workshop']['add_new_user_login']= "user login";
$lang['workshop']['add_new_user_right']= "user rights";
$lang['workshop']['no_user']= "There is no user yet in this workgroup";
$lang['workshop']['del_user']= "Remove user";
$lang['workshop']['mod_user']= "Update user";
$lang['workshop']['del_user_warning']= "Do you really want to remove this user from this workgroup? <br /> Caution, the removal will only take effect on this working group.";
$lang['workshop']['help_add_u1']= 'To add a workgroup, please insert the required informations in the form above';
$lang['workshop']['help_add_u2']= 'After submitting the form, check your data in the summary';
$lang['workshop']['help_add_u3']= 'After checking summary, click the \'review settings\' button to make new changes';
$lang['workshop']['help_add_u4']= 'Caution, users management is a deddicated module. In workgroup module, you can only add or remove user from workgroups';
$lang['workshop']['help_del_u1']= 'Click cancel to abort deletion.';
$lang['workshop']['help_del_u2']= 'Caution, this operation will remonly remove the user from this workgroup. To delete user go to user module';
$lang['workshop']['confirm_add_cal']= "Task successfully added for this workgroup\n";
$lang['workshop']['confirm_sup_cal']= "Task successfully deleted from this workgroup\n";
$lang['workshop']['confirm_mod_cal']= "Task successfully updated for this workgroup\n";
$lang['workshop']['calendar']= 'Calendar';
$lang['workshop']['sup_cal_warning']= "Do you really want to delete this task?";
$lang['workshop']['list_cal']= "Calendar management";
$lang['workshop']['mod_cal']= "Edit task";
$lang['workshop']['add_cal']= "Add a new task";
$lang['workshop']['sup_cal']= "Delete task";
$lang['workshop']['no_cal']= "There is no task yet for this workgroup";
$lang['workshop']['no_task']= "Title is required";
$lang['workshop']['no_task_details']= "Description is required";
$lang['workshop']['date'] = "deadline";
//$lang['workshop']['day'] = "day";
//$lang['workshop']['month'] = "month";
//$lang['workshop']['year'] = "year";
$lang['workshop']['task']= 'title';
$lang['workshop']['task_details']= 'description';
$lang['workshop']['help_list_cal1']= 'Delete task by clicking on the delete icon linked in';
$lang['workshop']['help_list_cal2']= 'Edit task by clicking on the edit icon linked in';
$lang['workshop']['help_list_cal3']= 'To add a task, please insert the required informations in the form above';
$lang['workshop']['help_add_cal1']= 'To add a task, please insert the required informations in the form above';
$lang['workshop']['help_add_cal2']= 'After submitting the form, check your data in the summary';
$lang['workshop']['help_add_cal3']= 'After checking summary, click the \'review settings\' button to make new changes';
$lang['workshop']['help_mod_cal1']= 'To update fields, please insert the required informations in the form above';
$lang['workshop']['help_mod_cal2']= 'Once the form submitted, check your data in the summary';
$lang['workshop']['help_mod_cal3']= 'Once the summary displayed, click the \'review settings\' button to make new changes';
$lang['workshop']['help_sup_cal1']= 'Click cancel to abort deletion.';
$lang['workshop']['report']= 'Workgroup report';
$lang['workshop']['no_report']= "There is no report for this workgroup";
$lang['workshop']['title_report']= "Title";
$lang['workshop']['resume_report']= "Summary";
$lang['workshop']['date_report']= "Published on";
$lang['workshop']['add_new_report']= "Add a new report";
$lang['workshop']['del_report']= "Delete this report";
$lang['workshop']['mod_report']= "Update this report";
$lang['workshop']['com']= 'workgroup forum';
$lang['workshop']['com_public']= 'Forum';
$lang['workshop']['com_back']= 'Back to the topics list';
$lang['workshop']['com_name']= 'Topic';
$lang['workshop']['no_com']= "There is no topic yet for this workgroup";
$lang['workshop']['no_com_rep']= "Nobody posted a reply yet";
$lang['workshop']['com_list']= "Forum manager";
$lang['workshop']['confirm_add_com']= "Message successfully added\n";
$lang['workshop']['confirm_sup_com']= "Message successfully deleted\n";
$lang['workshop']['confirm_lock_com']= "Topic successfully locked\n";
$lang['workshop']['confirm_mod_com']= "Message successfully updated\n";
$lang['workshop']['sup_ccom_warning']= "Do you really want to delete this message?";
$lang['workshop']['list_com']= "Forum manager";
$lang['workshop']['mod_com']= "Edit this topic";
$lang['workshop']['mod_com_mes']= "Edit this message";
$lang['workshop']['add_com']= "Add a topic";
$lang['workshop']['add_com_mes']= "Add a message";
$lang['workshop']['sup_com']= "Delete this topic";
$lang['workshop']['sup_com_mes']= "Delete this message";
$lang['workshop']['not_author']= "You have to be the message's owner to edit this post!";
$lang['workshop']['det_com']= "View the topic";
$lang['workshop']['nb_total_com']= "topics in this workgroup";
$lang['workshop']['nb_total_com_mes']= "messages in this topic";
$lang['workshop']['com_subject']= "subject";
$lang['workshop']['com_body']= "message";
$lang['workshop']['com_statut']= "status";
$lang['workshop']['com_date_publi']= "published on";
$lang['workshop']['com_nb_rep']= '<abbr title="Reply numbers">rp nb</abbr>';
$lang['workshop']['com_date_last']= "last message";
$lang['workshop']['com_author']= "author";
$lang['workshop']['lock_com']= "Lock this topic";
$lang['workshop']['unlock_com']= "Unlock this topic";
$lang['workshop']['com_no_subject']= "Subject is required.";
$lang['workshop']['com_no_body']= "Body text is required.";
$lang['workshop']['sup_com_warning']= "Do you really want to delete this topic ?";
$lang['workshop']['sup_com_warning2']= "Caution, all messages will be deleted !";
$lang['workshop']['sup_com_mes_warning']= "Do you really want to delete this message ?";
$lang['workshop']['lock_com_warning']= "Do you really want to lock this topic ?";
$lang['workshop']['lock_com_warning2']= "Caution, all messages will be locked !";
$lang['workshop']['unlock_com_warning']= "Do you really want to unlock this topic ?";
$lang['workshop']['unlock_com_warning2']= "BCaution, all messages will be unlocked !";
$lang['workshop']['help_list_com1']= 'Delete topic by clicking on the delete icon linked in';
$lang['workshop']['help_list_com2']= 'Edit topic by clicking on the edit icon linked in';
$lang['workshop']['help_list_com3']= 'To add a topic, please insert the required informations in the form above';
$lang['workshop']['help_list_com4']= 'Click on topic title to display more informations';
$lang['workshop']['help_det_com1']= 'Delete message by clicking on the delete icon linked in';
$lang['workshop']['help_det_com2']= 'Edit message by clicking on the edit icon linked in';
$lang['workshop']['help_det_com3']= 'To add a new message, please insert the required informations in the form above';
$lang['workshop']['help_det_com4']= 'Lock topic by clicking on the lock icon linked in';
$lang['workshop']['help_add_com1']= 'To add a new topic or a new message, please insert the required informations in the form above';
$lang['workshop']['help_add_com2']= 'Once the form submitted, check your data in the summary';
$lang['workshop']['help_add_com3']= 'Once the summary displayed, click the \'review settings\' button to make new changes';
$lang['workshop']['help_mod_com1']= 'To edit data, please update the required informations in the form above';
$lang['workshop']['help_mod_com2']= 'Once the form submitted, check your data in the summary';
$lang['workshop']['help_mod_com3']= 'Once the summary displayed, click the \'review settings\' button to make new changes';
$lang['workshop']['help_sup_com1']= 'Click cancel to abort deletion.';
$lang['workshop']['help_sup_com2']= 'Caution, all messages will be deleted if the message is a root topic !';
$lang['workshop']['help_lock_com1']= 'Click cancel to abort unlocking.';
$lang['workshop']['help_lock_com2']= 'A locked topic is readable but no message can be added to this topic';
$lang['workshop']['help_lock_com3']= 'Unlock topic by clicking on the unlock icon linked in';
$lang['workshop']['help_add1']= 'To add a new workgroup, please insert the required informations in the form above';
$lang['workshop']['help_add2']= 'Once the form submitted, check your data in the summary';
$lang['workshop']['help_add3']= 'Once the summary displayed, click the \'review settings\' button to make new changes';
$lang['workshop']['help_list1']= 'Click on workgroup titles to display more informations';
$lang['workshop']['help_list2']= 'Delete workgroup by clicking on the delete icon linked in';
$lang['workshop']['help_list3']= 'Edit workgroup by clicking on the edit icon linked in';
$lang['workshop']['help_list4']= 'Filter by status to display workgroup for one status';
$lang['workshop']['help_list5']= 'To add a new workgroup, please insert the required informations in the form above';
$lang['workshop']['help_mod1']= 'To edit data, please update the required informations in the form above';
$lang['workshop']['help_mod2']= 'Once the form submitted, check your data in the summary';
$lang['workshop']['help_mod3']= 'Once the summary displayed, click the \'review settings\' button to make new changes';
$lang['workshop']['help_det1']= "Edit workgroup by clicking on the edit icon linked in";
$lang['workshop']['help_det2']= "Delete workgroup by clicking on the delete icon linked in";
$lang['workshop']['help_det4']= "Click on workgroup report or users to display more informations";
$lang['workshop']['help_det5']= "To add a user, click on the add icon";
$lang['workshop']['help_det6']= "Edit workgroup user and rights by clicking on edit icon linked in";
$lang['workshop']['help_det7']= "Edit workgroup report by clicking on the edit icon linked in";
$lang['workshop']['help_det8']= "Delete workgroup report by clicking on the delete icon linked in.";
$lang['workshop']['help_sup1']= 'Click cancel to abort deletion.';