Source for file lang_user.utf-8.php
Documentation is available at lang_user.utf-8.php
* @package linea21.languages
* @author linea21 <> & Stéphanie Loubechine
* @license
$lang['user']['section'] = "users";
$lang['user']['link_value'] = "users";
$lang['user']['name']= 'user';
$lang['user']['confirm_add'] = "User successfully added\n";
$lang['user']['confirm_mod'] = "User successfully updated\n";
$lang['user']['confirm_modpass'] = "Password successfully generated\n";
$lang['user']['confirm_sup'] = "User successfully deleted\n";
$lang['user']['confirm_changetype']= "User type successfully updated\n";
$lang['user']['confirm_public'] = 'Account successfully created. Your password has been sent to you by email.';
/* nommage rubrique module
$lang['user']['add']= 'Add a new '. $lang['user']['name'];
$lang['user']['mod']= 'Edit '. $lang['user']['name'];
$lang['user']['sup']= 'Delete '. $lang['user']['name'];
$lang['user']['det']= ucfirst($lang['user']['name']) . ' details';
$lang['user']['list']= 'View '. $lang['user']['name']. 's';
$lang['user']['h1_public_comment_insc']= 'Subsriptions allows you to participate in our various workgroups. Once registered, you will receive an email containing a password you will be able to change later';
$lang['user']['h1_public_comment_auth']= 'Authenticate yourself to access workgroups and your personal data.';
$lang['user']['h1_public_comment']= 'Introduce yourself to the community in your profile.';
$lang['user']['p_mod']= 'Change your user profile';
$lang['user']['p_mod_table_summary']= 'Edit profile form';
$lang['user']['info_mail']= 'If you change your email address, a new password will be assigned and sent to you.';
$lang['user']['info_password']= 'Complete the following fields ONLY if you want to change your password!';
$lang['user']['p_new_password']= 'New password';
$lang['user']['p_new_password_confirm']= 'password (confirmation) ';
$lang['user']['p_confirm_mod'] = "Profile successfully updated";
$lang['user']['p_confirm_back'] = "Click here to go home";
$lang['user']['info_inscription'] = "Are you registered?";
$lang['user']['info_inscription2'] = "Click here to create your account";
$lang['user']['info_inscription3'] = "Your subscriptions allows you to participate in our various workgroups.";
//$lang['user']['info_inscription4'] = "Suite à votre enregistrement, vous recevrez par email, un mot de passe que vous pourrez changer ultérieurement";
$lang['user']['info_inscription5'] = "Caution, cookies browser must be enabled for authentication !";
/* nommage rubrique add / mod /det
$lang['user']['add_title']= 'Add a new '. $lang['user']['name'];
$lang['user']['mod_title']= 'Edit '. $lang['user']['name'];
/* check integrité des données
$lang['user']['login_used'] = 'This login is already in use. Please choose another one';
$lang['user']['login_tooshort'] = 'Your login is not long enough (minimum 5 characters).';
$lang['user']['login_toolong'] = 'Your login is too long (20 characters max).';
$lang['user']['login_prohibited'] = 'Your login includes unauthorized characters.';
$lang['user']['pass_tooshort'] = 'Your password is not long enough (minimum 5 characters).';
$lang['user']['pass_toolong'] = 'Your password is too long (15 characters max).';
$lang['user']['pass_not_same'] = 'Password values must be similars.';
$lang['user']['invalid_mail'] = 'Email is not valid';
/* nommage élément rubrique
$lang['user']['type']= $lang['user']['name']. ' type';
$lang['user']['type_simple']= 'Simple '. $lang['user']['name'];
$lang['user']['type_privilege']= 'Advanced '. $lang['user']['name'];
$lang['user']['type_admin']= 'administrator';
$lang['user']['pseudo']= 'nickname (login)';
$lang['user']['email']= 'email';
$lang['user']['profile']= $lang['user']['name']. ' profile';
$lang['user']['rights']= 'Modules rights';
$lang['user']['set_rights']= 'Add rights by modules';
$lang['user']['update_rights']= 'Edit rights by modules';
$lang['user']['norights']= 'no rights';
$lang['user']['redactorrights']= 'editor';
$lang['user']['animatorrights']= 'moderator';
$lang['user']['adminrights']= 'administrator';
$lang['user']['managerrights']= 'manager';
$lang['user']['login']= 'login';
$lang['user']['password']= 'password';
$lang['user']['email']= 'email';
$lang['user']['groupe']= 'group';
$lang['user']['date_record']= 'registration date';
$lang['user']['actions']= 'actions';
$lang['user']['email_display']= 'Public email';
$lang['user']['city']= 'City';
$lang['user']['birthdate']= 'Birthdate';
$lang['user']['leisures']= 'Leisures';
$lang['user']['job']= 'Job';
$lang['user']['avatar']= 'Avatar';
$lang['user']['current_avatar']= 'Current avatar';
$lang['user']['quotation']= 'Quotation';
$lang['user']['signature']= 'Signature';
// $lang['user']['comment']="Commentaire lié à cet ".$lang['user']['name'];
$lang['user']['qb_titleadd']= ' latest additions';
$lang['user']['qb_titlemod']= ' latest modifications';
$lang['user']['qb_titlesup']= ' latest deletions';
$lang['user']['new_password']= 'Assign a new password';
$lang['user']['2ADMIN_USER']= 'Make this user an administrator';
$lang['user']['2SIMPLE_USER']= 'Make this user a standard user';
$lang['user']['selectgroup']= '-- Filter by group --';
$lang['user']['alphabetical']= ' [A-Z] ';
$lang['user']['nb_total']= 'users in database.';
$lang['user']['statut_filter']= 'Display by status';
$lang['user']['all']= 'Display the complete list';
$lang['user']['noresult']= 'There is no user with this criteria';
$lang['user']['admin_type_info']= 'This user is an administrator, change user type to assign rights in details';
$lang['user']['help_add1']= 'To add a user, please insert login and email in the form above';
$lang['user']['help_add2']= 'If you want to create a privileged user, you must assign to him rights on different modules';
$lang['user']['help_add3']= 'After submitting the form, check your data in the summary';
$lang['user']['help_add4']= 'After checking summary, click the \'review settings\' button to make new changes';
$lang['user']['help_add5']= 'A password is randomly generated and sent to the new user after creation';
$lang['user']['help_list1']= 'Click on user login to display more informations';
$lang['user']['help_list2']= 'Delete user by clicking on the delete icon linked in';
$lang['user']['help_list3']= 'Edit user by clicking on the edit icon linked in';
$lang['user']['help_list4']= 'Filter by group to display user for a specific group';
$lang['user']['help_list5']= 'Filter alphabetical to display user in alphabetical order';
$lang['user']['help_list6']= 'To add a user, please insert login and email in the form above';
$lang['user']['help_list7']= "To perform search on users only, just click the 'search' link";
$lang['user']['help_mod1']= 'To edit a user, please insert the required informations in the form above';
$lang['user']['help_mod2']= 'Once the form submitted, check your data in the summary';
$lang['user']['help_mod3']= 'After checking summary, click the \'review settings\' button to make new changes';
$lang['user']['help_det1']= 'Delete user by clicking on the delete icon linked in';
$lang['user']['help_det2']= 'Edit user by clicking on the edit icon linked in';
$lang['user']['help_sup1']= 'Click cancel to abort deletion.';
$lang['user']['mail_add_subject']= 'Your account has been created on';
$lang['user']['mail_add_body1']= 'Your account has been successfully created.';
$lang['user']['mail_add_body2']= 'You can access now to your private account. Your access params are : ';
$lang['user']['mail_head']= "Join us at";
$lang['user']['mail_bottom']= "For any questions related to your access";
$lang['user']['mail_changemail_subject']= 'Confirmation of change of email / password';
$lang['user']['mail_changemail_body1']= 'You receive this email because you have changed your email address. For security reasons, we will assign you a new password.';
$lang['user']['mail_changemail_body2']= 'You can still change your password by accessing your user profile';
$lang['user']['mail_changepass_subject']= 'New password';
$lang['user']['mail_changepass_body1']= 'You receive this email because you have changed your password or a new password has been generated.';
$lang['user']['mail_changepass_body2']= 'You can still change your password by accessing your user profile.';