Source for file lang_sdi.utf-8.php
Documentation is available at lang_sdi.utf-8.php
* @package linea21.languages
* @author linea21 <> & Stéphanie Loubechine
* @license
$lang['sdi']['name']= "indicator";
$lang['sdi']['confirm_add'] = "Indicator successfully added\n";
$lang['sdi']['confirm_mod'] = "Indicator successfully updated\n";
$lang['sdi']['confirm_sup'] = "Indicator successfully deleted\n";
$lang['sdi']['p_name']= "provider";
$lang['sdi']['p_confirm_mod'] = "Provider successfully updated\n";
$lang['sdi']['p_confirm_sup'] = "Provider successfully deleted\n";
$lang['sdi']['r_name']= "rules";
$lang['sdi']['r_confirm_mod'] = "Rules successfully updated\n";
$lang['sdi']['r_confirm_sup'] = "Rules successfully deleted\n";
$lang['sdi']['e_name']= "assessment";
$lang['sdi']['e_confirm_mod'] = "Assessment successfully updated\n";
$lang['sdi']['e_confirm_sup'] = "Assessment successfully deleted\n";
/* nommage rubrique module
$lang['sdi']['add']= "Add a new ". $lang['sdi']['name'];
$lang['sdi']['mod']= "Edit global informations";
$lang['sdi']['sup']= "Delete the ". $lang['sdi']['name'];
$lang['sdi']['mod_e']= "Edit ". $lang['sdi']['e_name'];
$lang['sdi']['sup_e']= "Delete the ". $lang['sdi']['e_name'];
$lang['sdi']['mod_p']= "Edit ". $lang['sdi']['p_name'];
$lang['sdi']['sup_p']= "Delete the ". $lang['sdi']['p_name'];
$lang['sdi']['mod_r']= "Edit ". $lang['sdi']['r_name'];
$lang['sdi']['sup_r']= "Delete the ". $lang['sdi']['r_name'];
$lang['sdi']['det']= ucfirst($lang['sdi']['name']) . " details";
$lang['sdi']['list']= "View indicators";
/* nommage rubrique add / mod /det
$lang['sdi']['add_title1']= "Add global informations about the new ". $lang['sdi']['name'];
$lang['sdi']['add_title2']= "Add assessment's criteria about the new ". $lang['sdi']['name'];
$lang['sdi']['add_title3']= "Add provider's contact details about the new ". $lang['sdi']['name'];
$lang['sdi']['add_title4']= "Add rules about the new ". $lang['sdi']['name'];
$lang['sdi']['mod_title']= "Edit global informations about :";
$lang['sdi']['mod_title2']= "Edit assessment's criteria about :";
$lang['sdi']['mod_title3']= "Edit provider's contact details about :";
$lang['sdi']['mod_title4']= "Edit rules about :";
$lang['sdi']['recap_commment']= "no comment";
$lang['sdi']['recap_nc']= " none";
$lang['sdi']['confirmation']= "confirm subscription";
$lang['sdi']['add_step1']= "global informations";
$lang['sdi']['add_step2']= "assessment";
$lang['sdi']['add_step3']= "provider";
$lang['sdi']['add_step4']= "rules";
$lang['sdi']['btn_step1']= "step 2";
$lang['sdi']['btn_step2']= "step 3";
$lang['sdi']['btn_step3']= "step 4";
$lang['sdi']['btn_fin']= "end now!";
$lang['sdi']['sup_sdi_warning']= "Are you sure you want to delete this ". $lang['sdi']['name']. " ?";
$lang['sdi']['sup_sdi_warning2']= "The removal of this indicator induced deletion of his provider, rules, its values and its assessment criteria.";
$lang['sdi']['sup_sdi_warning3']= "Caution, the theme associated with this indicator will be empty after deletion";
/* nommage élément rubrique
$lang['sdi']['name2']= "name";
$lang['sdi']['description']= "description";
$lang['sdi']['comment']= "comments";
$lang['sdi']['theme']= "destination theme";
$lang['sdi']['range']= "rank";
$lang['sdi']['goal']= "objectives (goals)";
$lang['sdi']['consulting']= "tips for improvement";
$lang['sdi']['info_mesure']= "measures informations";
$lang['sdi']['unit']= "unit of measurement";
$lang['sdi']['max_value']= "maximum";
$lang['sdi']['min_value']= "minimum";
$lang['sdi']['threshold_value']= "threshold";
$lang['sdi']['threshold_relative']= "relative behavior to threshold";
$lang['sdi']['threshold_relative_comment']= "Check this box if the goal is reached for a value superior to the threshold.";
$lang['sdi']['threshold_relative_Y']= "the goal is achieved if the value exceeds the threshold.";
$lang['sdi']['threshold_relative_N']= "the goal is not achieved if the value exceeds the threshold.";
$lang['sdi']['frequency']= "collect frequency";
$lang['sdi']['e_title']= "Criteria for evaluating data";
$lang['sdi']['e_scale_compare']= "comparability";
$lang['sdi']['e_fiability']= "fiability";
$lang['sdi']['e_accessibility']= "accessibility";
$lang['sdi']['e_lisibility']= "readibility";
$lang['sdi']['e_relevance']= "relevance";
$lang['sdi']['e_global_performance']= "overall performance";
$lang['sdi']['p_title']= "data provider";
$lang['sdi']['p_name']= "name";
$lang['sdi']['p_service']= "service";
$lang['sdi']['p_description']= "description";
$lang['sdi']['p_incharge']= "incharge";
$lang['sdi']['p_address']= "address";
$lang['sdi']['p_phone']= "phone number";
$lang['sdi']['p_fax']= "fax number";
$lang['sdi']['p_email']= "email";
$lang['sdi']['r_title']= "rules reference";
$lang['sdi']['r_body']= "regulation text";
$lang['sdi']['r_referer_uri']= "link (url)";
$lang['sdi']['r_mask_uri']= "link (text to display)";
$lang['sdi']['qb_add_title']= " latest additions";
$lang['sdi']['qb_mod_title']= " latest modifications";
$lang['sdi']['select_choice']= "~~ Choose in this list ~~";
$lang['sdi']['facultatif']= "Optional";
$lang['sdi']['theme_filter']= "Display by theme";
$lang['sdi']['notheme']= "No theme";
$lang['sdi']['aff_sdi_e']= "Display assessment criteria";
$lang['sdi']['modify_sdi_e']= "Update assessment criteria";
$lang['sdi']['aff_sdi_r']= "Display rules";
$lang['sdi']['modify_sdi_r']= "Update rules";
$lang['sdi']['aff_sdi_p']= "Display provider informations";
$lang['sdi']['modify_sdi_p']= "Update provider informations";
$lang['sdi']['noresultp']= "Add a new provider by clicking on the add icon linked in";
$lang['sdi']['noresultr']= "Add a new rule by clicking on the add icon linked in";
$lang['sdi']['url']= '<acronym title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</acronym>';
$lang['sdi']['object_notname']= "Name is required.";
$lang['sdi']['object_notdescription']= "Description is required.";
$lang['sdi']['object_nottheme']= "Theme is required.";
$lang['sdi']['object_notrange']= "Rank is required.";
$lang['sdi']['object_notunit']= "Unit is required.";
$lang['sdi']['object_notmax_value']= "Maximal value must be numerical.";
$lang['sdi']['object_notmin_value']= "Minimal value must be numerical.";
$lang['sdi']['object_notthreshold_value']= "Threshold value must be numerical.";
$lang['sdi']['object_notfrequency']= "Frequency value must be numerical.";
$lang['sdi']['server_noresponse']= 'Wrong url : no response from the server, please check your syntax';
$lang['sdi']['object_note_scale_compare']= "Comparability must be a numerical value.";
$lang['sdi']['object_note_fiability']= "Fiability must be a numerical value.";
$lang['sdi']['object_note_accessibility']= "Accessibility must be a numerical value.";
$lang['sdi']['object_note_lisibility']= "Readability must be a numerical value.";
$lang['sdi']['object_note_relevance']= "Relevance must be a numerical value.";
$lang['sdi']['object_note_global_performance']= "Overall performance must be a numerical value.";
$lang['sdi']['object_notp_name']= "Provider name is required";
$lang['sdi']['object_notp_address']= "Address is required";
$lang['sdi']['object_notp_phone']= "Phone number is not valid";
$lang['sdi']['object_notp_fax']= "Fax number is not valid";
$lang['sdi']['object_notp_mail']= "Email is not valid";
$lang['sdi']['object_notr_title']= "Rules reference is required";
$lang['sdi']['object_notr_body']= "Regulation text is required";
$lang['sdi']['help_add1']= "To add a new indicator, please insert the required informations in the form above";
$lang['sdi']['help_add2']= "Four steps are required to add an indicator : global informations -> assessment -> provider -> rules";
$lang['sdi']['help_add3']= "After submitting the form, check your data in the summary";
$lang['sdi']['help_add4']= 'After checking summary, click the \'review settings\' button to make new changes';
$lang['sdi']['help_add5']= "Click the '". $lang['sdi']['btn_fin']. "' button to directly access the summary and quickly add a record";
$lang['sdi']['help_add6']= "Fields marked with an asterisk are required";
$lang['sdi']['help_list1']= "Click on indicator titles to display more informations";
$lang['sdi']['help_list2']= "Delete indicator by clicking on the delete icon linked in";
$lang['sdi']['help_list3']= "Edit indicator by clicking on the edit icon linked in";
$lang['sdi']['help_list4']= "To add a new indicator, please insert the required informations in the form above";
$lang['sdi']['help_list5']= "To perform search on indicators only, just click the 'search' link";
$lang['sdi']['help_mod1']= "To edit global informations, please insert the required informations in the form above";
$lang['sdi']['help_mod2']= "After submitting the form, check your data in the summary";
$lang['sdi']['help_mod3']= "After checking summary, click the \'review settings\' button to make new changes";
$lang['sdi']['help_mod4']= "To edit provider informations, rules and assessment, click the 'update informations' button at the top of the page.";
$lang['sdi']['help_mod5']= "Edit global informations by clicking on the edit icon linked in on the indicators details page.";
$lang['sdi']['help_mod_p1']= "To edit provider informations, please insert the required informations in the form above";
$lang['sdi']['help_mod_e1']= "To edit assessment informations, please insert the required informations in the form above";
$lang['sdi']['help_mod_r1']= "To edit rules informations, please insert the required informations in the form above";
$lang['sdi']['help_det1']= "Edit global informations by clicking on the edit icon linked in";
$lang['sdi']['help_det2']= "Delete indicator by clicking on the delete icon linked in";
$lang['sdi']['help_det3']= "Click on indicator themes to display more informations about this theme";
$lang['sdi']['help_det4']= "To display provider informations, rules and assessment, click the 'display informations' button at the bottom of the page.";
$lang['sdi']['help_det5']= "Edit information providers, rules and assessments by clicking on the edit icon linked in";
$lang['sdi']['help_sup1']= "Click on validate to definitively delete indicators and associated values (providers, rules and assessment)";
$lang['sdi']['help_sup2']= "A warning message will appear if the theme is empty after the indicator deletion";