Source for file lang_dashboard.utf-8.php
Documentation is available at lang_dashboard.utf-8.php
* @package linea21.languages
* @author linea21 <> & Stéphanie Loubechine
* @license
$lang['dashboard']['section'] = "dashboard";
$lang['dashboard']['link_value'] = "dashboard";
$lang['dashboard']['name'] = "value";
$lang['dashboard']['name_pluriel'] = "value(s)";
$lang['dashboard']['confirm_add'] = "Value successfully added\n";
$lang['dashboard']['confirm_mod'] = "Value successfully updated\n";
$lang['dashboard']['confirm_sup'] = "Value successfully deleted\n";
$lang['dashboard']['list_public']= "Classic dashboard";
$lang['dashboard']['list_public_anim']= "Animated dashboard";
$lang['dashboard']['h1_public_comment']= "Dashboard represents sustainable development balance in your city (filtered by scale).<br />";
$lang['dashboard']['h1_public_comment_anim']= "Dashboard represents sustainable development balance in your city.<br />";
$lang['dashboard']['mode_aff']= "View mode";
$lang['dashboard']['mode_aff_class']= "Classical";
$lang['dashboard']['mode_aff_young']= "Animated";
$lang['dashboard']['mode_aff_info']= "Global informations";
$lang['dashboard']['mode_aff_evaluation']= "Assessment criteria";
$lang['dashboard']['mode_aff_provider']= "Provider";
$lang['dashboard']['mode_aff_rules']= "Rules";
$lang['sdi']['goal_public']= "Public goal";
$lang['sdi']['consulting_public']= "Advices to improve this indicator";
/* informations affichages tableau
$lang['dashboard']['list_public_summary']= "Sustainable Development Indicators values related to the theme %s";
$lang['dashboard']['graphic_value']= "graphical value";
$lang['dashboard']['numeric_value']= "numerical value";
$lang['dashboard']['tendencies_value']= "trend";
$lang['dashboard']['label_value']= "indicator label";
$lang['dashboard']['evaluation_values_summary']= "Assessment criteria values for the current indicator";
$lang['dashboard']['all_values_summary']= "Values table for the current indicator";
/* nommage rubrique module
$lang['dashboard']['add'] = "Add a new " . $lang['dashboard']['name'];
$lang['dashboard']['rap'] = "Create a PDF report";
$lang['dashboard']['mod'] = "Edit value";
$lang['dashboard']['sup'] = "Delete " . $lang['dashboard']['name'];
$lang['dashboard']['det'] = "Indicator values";
$lang['dashboard']['list'] = "Dashboard ";
/* nommage rubrique add / mod /det
$lang['dashboard']['add_title1'] = "Add a new " . $lang['dashboard']['name'];
$lang['dashboard']['recap_commment'] = "no comment";
$lang['dashboard']['recap_nc'] = " none";
$lang['dashboard']['confirmation'] = "confirm registration";
$lang['dashboard']['sup_value_warning'] = "Do you really want to delete this " . $lang['dashboard']['name'] . " ?";
/* nommage élément rubrique
$lang['dashboard']['value'] = "indicator value";
$lang['dashboard']['historic'] = "Indicator balance";
$lang['dashboard']['rep_graph'] = "Indicator graphical view";
$lang['dashboard']['sdi_info'] = "Indicator name";
$lang['dashboard']['scale'] = "associated scale";
$lang['dashboard']['date'] = "publication date";
$lang['dashboard']['day'] = "day";
$lang['dashboard']['month'] = "month";
$lang['dashboard']['year'] = "year";
$lang['dashboard']['qb_add_title'] = " latest additions in : ";
$lang['dashboard']['qb_mod_title'] = " latest modifications in : ";
$lang['dashboard']['rap_scale_choice'] = "Choose the scales";
$lang['dashboard']['rap_scale_all'] = "Add all scales";
$lang['dashboard']['rap_scale_det'] = "Choose the scales to include";
$lang['dashboard']['rap_sdi_choice'] = "Choose indicators";
$lang['dashboard']['rap_sdi_all'] = "Add all indicators";
$lang['dashboard']['rap_sdi_det'] = "Choose indicator to be included in report ";
$lang['dashboard']['rap_comp_choice'] = "Choose informations";
$lang['dashboard']['rap_graph_values'] = "Add graphical values in the report ";
$lang['dashboard']['rap_table_values'] = "Add all values for each indicator";
$lang['dashboard']['rap_notpublished_values'] = "Include unpublished values";
$lang['dashboard']['rap_provider_info'] = "Add provider informations for each indicator";
$lang['dashboard']['rap_rules_info'] = "Add rules references for each indicator";
$lang['dashboard']['rap_eval_info'] = "Add evaluation criteria for each indicator";
$lang['dashboard']['rap_summary_info'] = "Generate a table of contents";
$lang['dashboard']['rap_publi_info'] = "Add generation informations at the end of the report";
$lang['dashboard']['rap_author'] = "Report's author";
$lang['dashboard']['rap_mail_author'] = "Author's email";
$lang['dashboard']['rap_service'] = "Department";
$lang['dashboard']['rap_adress'] = "Full address";
$lang['dashboard']['rap_title'] = "Report title";
$lang['dashboard']['rap_no_values_for'] = 'There is no value available for the following scale(s) : ';
$lang['dashboard']['rap_insuffisant_values'] = 'Insufficient data to generate graphics on these scales :';
$lang['dashboard']['rap_scale'] = "Selected scales";
$lang['dashboard']['rap_indicators'] = "Selected indicators";
$lang['dashboard']['rap_generated'] = "report generated in ";
$lang['dashboard']['rap_infopubli'] = "publication informations";
$lang['dashboard']['rap_summary'] = "Summary";
$lang['dashboard']['rap_save'] = "save";
$lang['dashboard']['rap_generate'] = "generate";
$lang['dashboard']['select_choice'] = "~~ Choose in this list ~~";
$lang['dashboard']['facultatif'] = "optional";
$lang['dashboard']['aff_dashboard_e'] = "Display evaluation criteria";
$lang['dashboard']['aff_dashboard_r'] = "Display rules references";
$lang['dashboard']['aff_dashboard_p'] = "Display provider address";
$lang['dashboard']['novalue'] = "There is no value available for this scale ";
$lang['dashboard']['value_tendance'] = "Indicator overall trend";
$lang['dashboard']['tendance_asc'] = "upward";
$lang['dashboard']['tendance_desc'] = "downward";
$lang['dashboard']['all_value'] = "All values for this indicator";
$lang['dashboard']['barre'] = "Indicator's positioning on its threshold";
$lang['dashboard']['global_value'] = "total value";
$lang['dashboard']['det_sdi'] = "More information regarding this indicator";
$lang['dashboard']['det_sdi2'] = "Global informations";
$lang['dashboard']['object_notvalue'] = "A numerical value is required for this indicator";
$lang['dashboard']['object_notgoodvalue'] = "Value must be within the range of measurement";
$lang['dashboard']['help_add1'] = "To add a new value, please insert the required informations in the form above";
$lang['dashboard']['help_add2'] = "Click on 'information measuring' to display the threshold, minimum, maximum and the collect frequency of the current indicator";
$lang['dashboard']['help_add3'] = "Click on '" . $lang['dashboard']['all_value'] . "' to display all the values of this indicator for this scale";
$lang['dashboard']['help_add4'] = "If summary doesn't suit to you, change entered data by clicking the 'review parameters' button ";
$lang['dashboard']['help_add5'] = "Enter a numerical value between the minimum and maximum values of the current indicator";
$lang['dashboard']['help_add6'] = "Fields marked with an asterisk are required";
$lang['dashboard']['help_list1'] = "Click on indicator label to display scale/indicator pair values";
$lang['dashboard']['help_list2'] = "Add a new value for this scale/indicator pair by clicking on add icon linked in.";
$lang['dashboard']['help_list3'] = "You can select a different scale to display its own dashboard : reltives indicators will appear on the dashboard.";
$lang['dashboard']['help_list4'] = "Each indicator is associated with a meter giving you a visual dashboard overview for a given scale. If the arrow is beyond the threshold, the last value recorded for this indicator has exceeded the threshold";
$lang['dashboard']['help_list5'] = "For more than two values, a trend icon appears next to the visual counter.";
$lang['dashboard']['help_list6'] = "The last value of a pair indicator/scale is next to the visual counter ";
$lang['dashboard']['help_list7'] = "A comprehensive visual meter stay at the top of this page, which is an overall view of your dashboard for the current scale.";
$lang['dashboard']['help_list8'] = "Tip: Leaving the mouse cursor on elements of the page will display an information tooltip";
$lang['dashboard']['help_mod1'] = "To edit content, please insert the required informations in the form above";
$lang['dashboard']['help_mod2'] = "Click on 'information measuring' to display the threshold, minimum value, maximum value and the collect frequency of the current indicator";
$lang['dashboard']['help_mod3'] = "Click on \"" . $lang['dashboard']['all_value'] . "\" to display all the values of this indicator for this scale";
$lang['dashboard']['help_mod4'] = "If the summary doesn't suit you, change entered data by clicking the 'review parameters' button ";
$lang['dashboard']['help_mod5'] = "Enter a numerical value between the minimum and maximum values of the current indicator";
$lang['dashboard']['help_mod6'] = "Fields marked with an asterisk are required";
$lang['dashboard']['help_rap1'] = "Report is published in pdf format, readable with Acrobat Reader";
$lang['dashboard']['help_rap2'] = "Choose options you will include in the publication report";
$lang['dashboard']['help_rap3'] = "Click the 'cancel' button to abort the publication";
$lang['dashboard']['help_det2'] = "Add a new value for this scale/indicator pair by clicking on the add icon linked in.";
$lang['dashboard']['help_det3'] = "Edit a value for this scale/indicator pair by clicking on the add icon linked in.";
$lang['dashboard']['help_det4'] = "Delete a value for this scale/indicator pair by clicking on the add icon linked in.";
$lang['dashboard']['help_det1'] = "Take care of the association between value and indicator but also scale";
$lang['dashboard']['help_det5'] = "To display more informations about indicator, providers, rules references and evaluation criteria, click on display this information.";
$lang['dashboard']['help_sup1'] = "Value is permanently deleted by clicking the 'delete' button";
$lang['dashboard']['help_sup2'] = "If you just want to disable the value, switch status to 'draft'.";