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Source for file dbg.conf.php

Documentation is available at dbg.conf.php

  1. <?php
  2. /**
  3.  * @package    linea21.externals
  4.  * @subpackage PHP_DEBUG
  5.  */
  6. // Options array for Debug object
  7. $options array(
  8.     'render_type'          => 'HTML',    // Renderer type
  9.     'render_mode'          => 'Div',     // Renderer mode
  10.     'restrict_access'      => false,     // Restrict access of debug
  11.     'allow_url_access'     => true,      // Allow url access
  12.     'url_key'              => 'key',     // Url key
  13.     'url_pass'             => 'nounou',  // Url pass
  14.     'enable_watch'         => false,     // Enable watch of vars
  15.     'replace_errorhandler' => true,      // Replace the php error handler
  16. //'lang'                 => 'FR',      // Lang
  18. // Renderer specific
  19.     'HTML_DIV_view_source_script_name' => '',
  20.     'HTML_DIV_view_source_script_path' => '',
  21.     'HTML_TABLE_view_source_excluded_template' => array(''),
  22.     'HTML_DIV_remove_templates_pattern' => false,
  23. // 'HTML_DIV_templates_pattern' => array(),
  24.     'HTML_DIV_disable_credits' => true,
  25.     'HTML_DIV_images_path' => '../lib/vendor/PHP_Debug/images',
  26.     'HTML_DIV_css_path' => '../lib/vendor/PHP_Debug/css',
  27.     'HTML_DIV_js_path' => '../lib/vendor/PHP_Debug/js',
  28. );
  30. $allowedip array(
  31.     ''
  32. );
  33. ?>

Documentation generated on Fri, 01 Apr 2011 09:29:52 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.1